Saturday, January 29, 2011


In mu opinion, I think that being able to express one's opinion is a good thing to be able to do.  I really liked being able to write a paper that allowed me to build an argument to help persuade somebody of something that I felt strongly about.  People need the skills to be able to build a persuasive argument and then back it up.  This paper really gave me a chance to better fine tune that while I got to write about something that I really like.

Now for a little humor aside, here is a video of something that I think most of you will find amusing.  I would venture to say that you are only going to see at BYU.
Enjoy! :)


  1. I get what you're saying. We're always writing about what we're told to write, this was a nice break to choose on our topic and choose our arguments to go with it all. This was a paper that allowed us freedom that fell within guidelines. Therefore, it wasn't an all out mess!


  2. Hahaha, first off, awesome video. Really, thats totally awesome. Second, I definitely agree about the fact that people need to get some persuasive argument skills...this essay definitely helped!

