Friday, January 7, 2011

My Brain Monsoon

Well, on thing that I feel very strongly about is that every person should learn how to dance and i don't mean the freak out stuff most teenagers do.  There is something about the art of a true dance that forges a bond between the two dancers.  It has a very elegant but yet still intimate feeling.  Now tell me, who likes to dance with someone who just stands in one place and just shuffles their feet and rocks back in forth?  Well I sure don't.  What girl wouldn't want to be asked to dance by a guy who can just take her sailing across the floor? Also, what guy wouldn't want to ask a girl who could just follow him with the smoothest of responses and movement.  There is nothing quite like these feelings.  I believe that a social or ballroom dance class should be required here at BYU.

Another thing that I care about is golf.  I love the sport of golf.  Most people think it is an old person sport, but i disagree whole heartedly.  I have never felt anything quite as satisfactory when you hit the straightest drive and the ball goes exactly where you want it.  Also, the sound is almost to die for.  That solid crack as the club face makes contact with the ball and sends it soaring straight through the are.

Well these are two ideas that come to mind.  I hope you can give me some feed back on what you think.



  1. I think that both topics could work well. I think if you talked about the dance topic, it would be very interesting since you're a guy (not to be gender stereotyping, but I wouldn't expect that coming from a guy) and we could see it from your perspective. The golfing topic would be good too, just because I also think many people find golf to be boring...I'm sorry, but I'm kind of one of those people. But you could try to convince me haha. So either topic would work!


  2. Thanks Megan. I was leaning more towards the dance one because I feel like it would relate to a larger group of people.


  3. I think that both of your topics are pretty interesting! I think that the dancing topic would be especially cool to read! I am not a very good dancer.. at all, but I guess its never too late to learn, right?

  4. Right, Kimberly. I think that any one who really tries can learn. I am not saying everybody is going to be a pro ballroom dancer but i think we can all learn some.
