Friday, March 4, 2011


Here is my tentative thesis.  Please give all the help you can, classmates. :)

With the things of the world being so accessible today, things like music and movies and news are able to spread worldwide in a matter of minuets.  With this happening, individual cultures are taking a toll.  With globalization, music is becoming more and more similar, no matter where it comes from.  Globalization is bring about the destruction of each individual cultures musical tradition.  People are turning their backs on their own traditions and complying to what everybody else is doing with music.


  1. That is so true! It feels like whenever I listen to music now, they're all the same! Great choice in topic.

  2. This is exactly what my Rhetorical Analysis article was about! Read Global Monoculture in our Globalization book, you can get a ton of information from there!

  3. Thanks for the tip,Madi. I will look at that. :)

  4. This is a super cool topic Andrew. You might want to try to figure out how to word your thesis into one main sentence though. Good luck!
