Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What I want to do.

There is only one thing that I can see myself doing and that is teaching.  I would like to teach Music History at a university one day.  I will be getting a BA in Music with an emphasis on music history and then go to grad school to become a musicologist.  After that I am going to try to find a job teaching music history as I work ona doctorate in something.  It is a very limited career choice, but I love music and history and I want to teach so that is why I want to teach music history.


  1. Thats a great goal. And teaching isn't half bad, if I say so myself :-). Do you play an instrument, sing, or anything like that? Or do you simply have a burning interest for music and music history?


  2. Oh yeah, I probably should have mentioned that. Yes, I play the French horn. I have been playing it since sixth grade. It is my love but not my passion and that is why I am not a performance major.


  3. I love it! I wish I was musical I really respect people that are and have passion for it. I feel so much emotion through music and I love hearing people exhibit their amazing gift.

  4. That is a very outstanding goal Andrew. Im jealous that you have it all so thought out. I think French Horn could very possibly be one of my favorite instruments to listen to in a symphony. They are beautiful sounding.

  5. Molly- Thanks. Yeah music can really invoke some great felling.

    Sara- Well it has taken me a lot of thought and [ray to get it figured out. French Horns are pretty much amazing.

